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Welcome to My Page!

This is my Web site for all of you who wants to meet or know about me, so I put this photo to ensure you enter the right site. Hope you'll know me better than before.

This is my picture

Photo ini diambil waktu di Villa Texas, Puncak. Waktu itu di sana lagi ada pertemuan atau Mubes Club motor yang gw ikutin. Berantakan banget yah ... tapi tetep cool kan?

Other Pictures

My Favorite Things To Do

I like to play basketball, listen to the music, watching films and motorsport. I like to travel to the new places and meet new friends. But the most, I like basketball. I LOVE THIS GAME! 

Some of My Favorite People

Beside my parents, here are some of my favourite people. Such as Muhammad SAW, Michael Jordan, ex Presiden Soekarno, JFK.

Michael Jordan

This is one of Michael Jordan's pic. MJ telah pensiun dari basket tapi tetap menjadi favorite pemain basket nomer satu di dunia.

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